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IoT is the future of healthcare

Article-IoT is the future of healthcare

IoT enables doctors to provide remote and around-the-clock medical assistance.

Without a doubt, the healthcare industry is a massive business. In 2018, the global healthcare industry was worth almost US$9 trillion. Every part of the world is affected by this rapid growth and a constant need for improvement in the medical field. As the demand rises, innovations rise up to the challenge, as well. Technology has always been a big part of healthcare. But a real game-changer came with the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT).

IoT represents a network of devices. These devices are connected and can share information. Moreover, this does not refer to smartphones and PCs only. The idea behind the IoT is that any device can become a part of that network, such as cars, kitchen appliances, lighting control systems, air conditioning—you name it. Once they are connected, they can communicate with one another. The data collected can then be used to perform tasks. What does this mean for the healthcare industry?

What can IoT do for healthcare?

The IoT has already entered the field of medicine. In some state-of-the-art hospitals, you will be able to see it first-hand. Some examples are connected inhalers and insulin pens, as well as ingestible sensors.

Devices can communicate with one another, transferring data and calling to action. This allows medical professionals to have a faster response time. Also, the internet of things enables doctors to provide remote and around-the-clock medical assistance. The end result is better patient care. In this case, technological advancement and innovation are responsible for the lives saved.

What trends can we expect in the future?

There is still a lot of room for improvement. While IT experts are fine-tuning the devices, more help in the healthcare field is needed every day. The best way to use IoT is to broaden your perspective. Any medical device can be a part of the network, and it should. That way, more accurate and faster access to data is enabled. The one thing that needs to be a priority is patients’ security and confidentiality of medical records. The overall usage will increase when everyone is satisfied with the end product.

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