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Healthtech: Experience the next generation of healthcare

Article-Healthtech: Experience the next generation of healthcare

The Intelligent Health Pavilion recently showcased groundbreaking, seamless technology and educational presentations to redefine healthcare as we know it.

The Healthcare Transformation Zone at Arab Health evolves every year to bring forth the latest cutting-edge technology in healthcare. This year, it welcomed the Intelligent Health Pavilion, which is redefining the care continuum with revolutionary technology and equipment that enable seamless digital integration.

“There is a lot of technology in healthcare and the problem is that a lot of the executives in the hospital and clinicians simply do not have enough time to understand it. It is important that they are given opportunities to learn and adopt this technology so that we can save lives,” said Harry Pappas, Founder and CEO of the Intelligent Health Association.

The Association is armed with a mission to provide unbiased information to give healthcare professionals an all-inclusive, global platform of knowledge and inspiration to stay in tune with evolving trends. In addition, it aims to optimise processes — both from a clinical and business perspective — leading up to efficiency in workflows and enhanced patient outcomes.

Referring to the opportunities at the Intelligent Health Pavilion, Pappas added: “We must note the existence of technologies that could further reduce the cost of healthcare, improve the delivery of care and enhance patient safety. It also gives accountability and helps eliminate errors, so that we can reduce risks. With technology, we are further able to improve the patient experience, which includes reduced hospital stays and readmissions.”

The Intelligent Health Pavilion featured the latest digital innovations and future-ready solutions presented by organisations from various sectors of the healthcare industry across the globe, giving medical professionals and investors an interactive playground to network and discover new-age treatments. Dubbed a ‘show within a show’, the pavilion also introduced visitors to live simulations in an emergency department, intensive care unit and operating theatre, where each enclosed space offers attendees an intimate audio-visual representation of live cases.

The leadership theatre, on the other hand, welcomed attendees to thought-provoking concepts led by seasoned experts in various fields. Each session also shone a light on the latest trends, addressed challenges, proposed solutions and demonstrated case studies of digihealth integration and solutions alongside success stories.

“We understand that different hospitals have different needs. We are very passionate about education and ensured that each session delivers real information and steer clear of brand and product promotions. We had some great presentations every day until February 2. I recommend dedicating a few hours during the Arab Health show in the future to learn more,” said Pappas.


This article appears in the Daily Dose 2023. Read the full issue online today.

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