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Healthcare trends to watch in 2023

Article-Healthcare trends to watch in 2023

Circadian health and supply chain disruption are among several game changers in the coming year.

A new wave of innovation in healthcare is on the rise. While many new technologies and solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and biomedical engineering will be coming up, the focus will also shift to physical and mental well-being.   

Compiled here are some upcoming healthcare trends to watch out for next year:

Technology reigns

Wearables, mHealth, telemedicine, and digital health solutions, all of these technologies have the potential to transform the healthcare system in 2023 and the coming years.

Rapid expansion of AI and ML

Artificial intelligence and machine learning, currently the most popular technologies in healthcare, make predicting, diagnosing, monitoring, and treating patients more effortless and manageable in the healthcare sector. According to Residence Research, the global AI-in-healthcare market reached US$15.1 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit US$20.65 in 2023. And by 2030, the market will reach US$187.95 billion.

Top uses of AI:

  • Medical image analysis: Medical AI can be applied to medical images, such as X-ray and MRI scans and other structural image sequences to assist healthcare professionals in interpreting the results.
  • Drug discovery: AI can accelerate clinical research and drug discovery, especially when detecting side effects or finding the most efficient combination of medicines.
  • Brain diseases: AI-powered medical devices help treat and detect neurological disorders, like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, by analyzing MRI scans.
  • Preventive medicine: Predictive analytics powered by AI can help personalise healthcare. This can help clinicians adjust the level of care they provide to prevent it from happening.

Virtual communities and patient care

While companies develop innovative digital health products and structure that supports virtual communities, social media platforms allow patients to connect with other patients and healthcare professionals to receive and share critical health information online.

Connectivity to transform the Medtech Industry

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) will continue reinventing the way medical service providers and patients engage in a wide range of practices. This trend will profoundly impact manufacturers and suppliers, who need to invest in connected health technologies and services that meet the needs of the modern patient.

New supply chain disruptions

Supply chain disruptions will be a game changer for the health industry in the new few years. From the delivery of pharmaceuticals to the application of diagnostic tools and patient care services at the point of care in healthcare providers, supply chain disruptions could threaten patient health and safety.

Demand for healthcare software development to grow

The business of healthcare software development has been growing as more people have become aware of the need to take care of their health. In 2023, the industry will demonstrate a growing demand for high-quality patient treatment tools and services.

Personal wellness

As awareness to maintain a healthy quality of life arises, people are paying attention to maintaining overall health through nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and positive healthy habits.

Big Data

Big Data usage is a significant advance for healthcare trends. Big data can be extremely helpful in improvising the patient’s therapy and comparative lowering the cost of their diagnostics, thereby enhancing their welfare.

Home-based care will get a closer look

Home-based care’s surface logic will continue to make it quite appealing. Who wouldn’t want to receive care in the home instead of a sterile hospital or clinic setting?

Biopharmaceutical innovation will continue to impress

The scope and scale of biopharmaceutical innovation is unprecedented in its potential impact. Would you be impressed to hear about a cure for sickle cell disease or Type I diabetes? All of these interventions are under development. However, pricing of these interventions is another matter altogether.

Tech and retail will continue to inch into healthcare delivery

Healthcare is an attractive marketplace for any non-healthcare company that is looking for a new source of top-line revenue growth. Even though margins in most sectors of healthcare are low and the regulatory environment and rules are complicated, healthcare sector incursions by big tech and retail will continue.

Focus on clinician burnout

Healthcare organisations, forced to look at their failed human capital strategies in a highly competitive labour market, will begin to look at the underlying causes for burnout in their systems.

Mind over body

Until recently, when people said that they would take care of their health, they automatically referred to physical health. This is no longer the case now. Mental health is gaining in importance.


We all want to 'get old', but nobody wants to be old. This is beginning to translate into just about every stage of life and every aspect of life. Geroscience is gaining importance and even promises to have a broader impact on our general health system.

Circadian health

Sleep has received increasing attention in recent decades. The emphasis on getting a good night's sleep led to several related trends but sleep will now become circadian health.

Medical tourism

Wellness was already taking up 17 per cent of the entire expenditures in the travel industry. This has only exploded in the post Covid years and instigated various wellness centres to focus on medical services as well.


WATCH ON DEMAND: Looking ahead: Healthcare trends on the horizon for 2023

Find out what experts Dana Powell Baker, Dr. Jhonatan Bringas Dimitriades and Dr. Nadine Nehme predict for healthcare trends due to disrupt the industry in 2023 in the latest Omnia Health webinar. 

Watch on demand now


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