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Strategy key in strengthening KSA markets

Article-Strategy key in strengthening KSA markets

In our interview with Al Arrab Consulting Company “ARRC”'s Managing Director, Mr. Hossam Al Askar spoke about the launch of its services to the health clusters affiliated with the Health Holding Company.

As a national consulting firm, Al Arrab has worked with government entities to create change and make transformation plans real. In our interview, we discuss the projects the firm has underway among other topics. Transcript below:

How is Al Arrab Consulting aligning with the Health Sector Transformation program as part of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030?

The Kingdom’s Vision 2030 inspired various government sectors and the private sector alike to work according to new visions and priorities. It has encouraged everyone to look through a different perspective, that embraces the future. Like many companies, we began to identify how we can contribute with passion towards helping agencies and sectors in the transformation journey by providing practical and applicable solutions, supporting the transformation process, and transferring knowledge in multiple forms.

As for the Health Transformation program, there is no doubt that it is a promising plan and has significant positive effects. If the transformation process succeeds, we will undoubtedly reflect all of this on the citizen and service levels. At the same time, it will provide higher efficiency and optimal investment of resources, and we must put in the work there.


Can you tell us about your work with the Ministry of Health?

As you know, the Health Transformation program is a qualitative program that focuses on how to enhance the quality of the health services provided to the citizens. This program introduced a new model of care and moved to focus on the quality of health systems and the effectiveness of responding to the needs of citizens within multiple stages and levels that were not there before.

Today we work with the Ministry of Health and the Health Holding Company in several areas.

We contribute to supporting the issue of establishing the joint services company, implementing the targeted transformation process, and supporting the launch of its services to the health clusters affiliated with the Health Holding Company.

We also have two projects related to the "partnership with the private sector" projects, where we carry out a specialised technical study for projects to be offered to the private sector, and this enhances the role of the private sector in managing and operating health services.

In fact, we feel proud to be participating in this qualitative program and seek to expand our contribution with multiple parties within this sector.

What aspects do you see as enhancing the value provided to the clients of Al Arrab Consulting “ARRC”?

We see that many of our clients need three things combined: qualitative, practical, and workable solutions while changing the equation sometimes accordingly, supporting making these solutions fundamentally a reality and providing practitioners who are able to do so, a true partner who shares the desire to succeed and has the necessary passion for it.

This is indeed what we are trying to provide in our various works, whether the project is small or large. Each client has their own interest. We direct our team to the fact that our success is only possible if what our clients aspire to is achieved with the importance of maintaining the objectivity and impartiality of the consultant appropriate to the nature of the project.

We also realise that all of the above cannot be achieved without the presence of a professional, expert, and practicing team, and this is what makes us focus a lot on the processes of attracting competencies. We are preparing an opportunity for the ambitious.

Are there any interesting projects in the pipeline that you want to tell us about?

We expect further expansion and growth during the next stage in terms of the nature of services and the entities in which we work. In the previous period, we were able to achieve global and regional partnerships to build a wide network of experts and specialists from Europe, America, Canada and the region, which enhanced our ability to provide quality services in highly specialised fields. We are also working on preparing to launch several initiatives related to social responsibility, in which there is a duty to transfer and disseminate knowledge to the community.

There is no doubt that there are many things that we will do, but time doesn’t allow us to mention them all now.

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