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Saudi Arabia focuses on hospitality services in hospitals

Article-Saudi Arabia focuses on hospitality services in hospitals

Although hospitals and hospitality appear diametrically opposite concepts, a meaningful overlap lies.

Evidence suggests that hospital patients often receive the medical treatment they need but it can sometimes feel depersonalised. Thus, a welcoming and comfortable treatment environment is as important as clinical excellence in improving patient outcomes.  

Keeping this in mind, the healthcare community has been ramping up focus on elevating the provision of hospitality services in hospitals. Below, we explore the importance of hospitality services in hospitals and what the situation in Saudi Arabia looks like in this respect. 

What is hospitality in hospitals, and how is it beneficial? 

When it comes to hospitals, hospitality includes aspects like comfortable and clean bedding, fresh and healthy food options, adequate lighting, pleasant room décor, and access to entertainment facilities. 

For those in the healthcare industry, it is of paramount importance to realise that for any patient, a hospital stay can be a stressful experience. In such a situation, good hospitality services can help alleviate some stress and discomfort. Good hospitality can help them sleep better, reduce anxiety, and ultimately aid in faster recovery. Focusing on this additionally has several benefits for hospitals, including: 

  • Improved patient satisfaction: Patients receiving excellent hospitality services during their hospital stay are more likely to feel comfortable and satisfied with their experience. This can manifest in better recovery rates and fewer hospital readmissions. 
  • Enhanced hospital reputation: Hospitals prioritising hospitality services are more likely to build a positive reputation in the community. Patients and their families will naturally be more likely to choose a hospital known for providing excellent care and hospitality services. 
  • Revenue growth: Patients who are satisfied with their experience will be inclined to recommend the hospital to others, which can lead to more business and revenue. 
  • Improved employee satisfaction: Hospitality services also benefit hospital employees. Healthcare providers who get to work in a pleasant and comfortable environment are more likely to be satisfied with their work, which can lead to better retention rates and a more productive workforce. 

Enhanced care in Saudi Arabia 

The government and healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia understand the importance of enhancing hospitality in healthcare.  

The Ministry of Health has taken steps to improve patient experience and satisfaction. They have established regulatory bodies, such as the Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions (CBAHI), to ensure that hospitals meet strict standards for quality care and hospitality services. 

Moreover, they have implemented measures such as the Patient Experience Program, which includes initiatives like patient-centred care models, hospital facility improvement, and training for healthcare providers on patient-centred care.  

Saudi Arabia’s government has invested heavily in the healthcare sector, focusing on building new hospitals and upgrading existing ones. These new facilities are designed with patient comfort and hospitality, with features such as private rooms, comfortable furniture, and high-quality food. 

Regarding the hospital side, several well-known names are making significant strides in creating a comfortable and welcoming patient environment.  

For instance, the King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, one of the country's largest and most advanced hospitals, offers high-quality hospitality services such as comfortable patient rooms, personalised care, varied food options, and excellent medical facilities. They offer more than 45 unique therapeutic menus for patients that provide healthy choices per doctor's instructions. Every meal is prepared upon request, and no meal is pre-cooked to ensure superior health and quality standards.  

Similarly, the King Fahd Medical City (KFMC) hospital provides spacious rooms, delicious food, and personalised care from a team of dedicated staff. They also have initiatives like the voice of customer programmes to empower patients and families to take an active role in improving the patient experience at KFMC and provide real-time feedback and creative solutions to specific challenges.  

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare is another well-known name renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and patient-centric approach. They offer various hospitality services, including private patient rooms, gourmet meals, and personalised care.  

These examples are one of the many for providing excellent hospitality services in its hospitals, with a focus on patient comfort and personalised care. 

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