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Patient Talk Podcast: Health IT market growth in China, aphasia, longevity and other top stories

Article-Patient Talk Podcast: Health IT market growth in China, aphasia, longevity and other top stories

Listen to our latest news roundup of healthcare stories curated by Fatima Abbas.

In our latest roundup of healthcare stories from Omnia Health Insights, curated by Content Executive Fatima Abbas, we reveal our healthcare coverage of recent events including Ramadan, and its benefits for diabetic patients, and World Haemophilia Day.

We also look at longevity in the UAE and aphasia – a disorder that hit the headlines recently because of a celebrated public figure. Our latest Omnia Health Magazine furthermore offers updates on emerging healthcare technologies through exclusive interviews. They include 8chill Inc, whose founder and CEO shared insights into the metaverse. 

Listen to the podcast episode


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