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EJADAH enhances healthcare management with AI

Article-EJADAH enhances healthcare management with AI

The model launched by Dubai Health Authority is set to lead value-based healthcare across 30 diseases by 2025.

Dubai Health Authority highlighted during Arab Health 2023 that it will introduce a value-based healthcare model across 30 disease areas for the emirate by 2025.

The model known as EJADAH, which means proficiency in Arabic, was launched in June 2022 and it is a value-based model rather than a volume-based healthcare model. DHA’s Dubai Health Insurance Corporation, which regulates the health insurance sector in Dubai, is overseeing the implementation of EJADAH.

The model uses AI technology for predictive healthcare analysis for early intervention, disease prevention and to prevent complications caused by the disease.

The AI technology will be initially used for two diseases: diabetes and asthma. The model will also include patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) to assess the outcome of care from the patient’s perspective.

Saleh Al Hashimi, CEO of Dubai Health Insurance Corporation said: “The model will create a transformational shift in the health sector as providers and payers move towards a value-based care model instead of the current volume-based care model. The value-based model will benefit patients, it will lead to the transformation towards preventive and outcome-based care, at the same time, it will benefit providers and payers as it will optimize healthcare expenditure and lead to better population health.”

The value-based healthcare model will pay for performance and outcomes that matter to patients, it will provide healthcare service providers with evidence-based guidelines, which will be a framework for all physicians to follow with regard to treatment protocols for all ailments.

Insurance providers will have a strong foundation to refer to evidence-based data and all stakeholders will work together to enhance healthcare and reduce unnecessary medical expenditure.

Al Hashimi added: “The model is driven by quality outcomes and at its core lies the health of patients, it will help shift the focus on preventive care, which will benefit patients and lead to reduced healthcare expenditure thus leading to healthcare sustainability. It will also help improve government oversight of the health sector by overseeing clinical outcomes, economic and human-centric outcomes. The implementation of this model will lead to a transformation in the health sector wherein the focus lies entirely on performance and clinical outcomes.”

Al Hashimi added that payers and providers have been undergoing training to understand the framework and KPI’s which will lead to minimal waste of healthcare expenditure and enhanced focus on preventive care.

Since the launch of the model last year, DHA has identified and prioritised 30 key diseases until 2025 when this model will be applied:

  • In 2022, Dubai’s healthcare sector received training to use this model across diseases such as asthma, diabetes, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), lower back pain and respiratory infections. The sector was also provided in-depth training on maternity care guidelines in line with international best practices.
  • In 2023, the focus will be on Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Osteoporosis, Hyper Hypothyroidism, Atopic dermatitis, Urinary Tract Infections, Migraine and Myocardial infarction (MI).
  • In 2024, the focus will be on Peptic Ulcer Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Acne, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Arrhythmia.
  • In 2025, the areas of focus will include Gallstones, Osteoporosis, Thyroid disease, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, CHD/Stroke, DVT and renal failure.

Dr. Mohamed Farghaly, Family Medicine Consultant, Diabetologist and Professor of Medicine at Dubai Medical College and Consultant at the Dubai Health Insurance Corporation highlighted that the model will lead to a sustainable healthcare system. Dr Farghaly is also the lead of the EJADAH project at the DHA.

Dr. Farghaly, explained how a significant per cent of the cost of managing non-communicable diseases such as diabetes actually goes towards managing the complications of the disease rather than the disease itself. He said that by implementing an ecosystem that focuses on preventive care and patient-centered care, this cost can be significantly reduced. The model will empower patients and lead to a sustainable health system.

Dr. Farghaly added: “It will increase efficiency, efficacy, and safety whilst utilising best practices and methodologies.”


This article appears in the Daily Dose 2023. Read the full issue online today.

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