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Dubai: A thriving healthcare business destination

Article-Dubai: A thriving healthcare business destination

From manufacturing to digital health, the emirate is leading the way in transforming the healthcare industry.

The Dubai Science Park, part of the TECOM Group PJSC, is home to several companies specialising in the sciences, energy, and environmental sectors. It has been instrumental in creating a science-focused ecosystem in the emirate.

In an interview, Marwan Abdulaziz Janahi, Senior Vice President, Dubai Science Park, highlighted that about 60 per cent of the Dubai Science Park’s community includes companies operating in the healthcare sector. The community acts as the operating base for many pharmaceuticals, biotech, medical devices, and digital health firms.

He said: “Today, it is fascinating to see how digital health is making an impact on all aspects of healthcare, right from treatment and diagnosis to hospital management. This disruption is taking place right now and will continue to play a bigger role, thanks to the increasing availability of data. Therefore, it is essential to have one unified source of data.”

One of Dubai Science Park’s key focus areas is manufacturing. For instance, the Park is currently home to a pharmaceutical manufacturer, Janahi shared. But the Park has also seen an increasing demand for manufacturing vaccines and injectables.

Janahi explained: “With manufacturing, creating a base is essential. Even if you start with a simple product, like a tablet, you can always add it to your manufacturing base. So, for example, in our facility, we have a company specialising in manufacturing inhalers, and they can ramp up production as and when needed.”

Marwan Abdulaziz Janahi, Senior VP - Dubai Science Park.jpg

Marwan Abdulaziz Janahi

He further stressed that while the business hub of the UAE may appear small when compared to its regional counterparts, it is the gateway to some of the world’s major markets. “Manufacturing is a long-term investment. Both Emirates and Etihad have made extensive investments in cold chain and special handling of pharmaceuticals, which offers a global reach for companies,” he added.

Another factor that makes the UAE an attractive business destination is the launch of the golden visas. “The UAE has always been an inclusive society, and I have always been an advocate of talent retention and acquisition,” said Janahi. “Also, scientific discoveries take a long time to reach the market as many research and clinical trials occur behind the scenes. Now, thanks to the golden visa and other initiatives, talent from around the world is coming to Dubai with a longer-term mindset.

He concluded: “The UAE is renowned as a market opener with people from all over the world coming here to discuss how to enter new markets and get access to products from other regions. I think the country’s next growth phase should focus on creating value and intellectual property (IP) from the UAE. We need to create an entire ecosystem, from academia to investors.”

This article appears in Omnia Health magazine. Read the full issue online today.

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