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Connectivity marks an evolution in point-of-care testing

Article-Connectivity marks an evolution in point-of-care testing

Tech-driven diagnosis, accuracy and quality control are driving the uptake of point-of-care testing.

Patients are more comfortable with finger pricks versus a venous draw, which is strengthening the popularity of point-of-care testing across the globe, shared Prof. Rajiv Erasmus, Head of the Department of Chemical Pathology at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, at his session, “Connectivity strategies in managing Point of Care services” that took place on Day two of the Medlab Middle East Congress 2023.

Complimenting the phenomenon, multiplex testing is further set to be the next biggest trend in the field, as it provides an accurate diagnosis of multiple underlying infections in one sitting while retaining quality control. “We are now getting point of care instruments that are very precise, accurate, portable and use very small amounts of blood,” Prof. Erasmus added.

Prof. Erasmus was among the speakers sharing the latest insights and developments under the Technological Advances and Vital Clinical Impact track, supported by The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.

Point-of-care testing is currently at the forefront of creating value in healthcare. Its features ranging from digital data collection and use of real-world data to the integration of customised patient care are further contributing to the rapid development of a new healthcare landscape. For physicians, this means optimised processes that fulfil the ongoing demand for accuracy and timeliness in clinical decisions.

Prof. Erasmus also highlighted the importance of streamlining the care pathway through the optimisation and improvement of processes. This involves aligning four critical dimensions of efficiency, economics, safety and reputation, which not only reflect the key needs of healthcare providers but also enhances the value of healthcare provisions for stakeholders in the industry.

To secure continuity and growth, there is a need to ensure the automated validation and transfer of patient results to Electronic Medical Systems. Prof. Erasmus said that this could be achieved through the development of open-access data mx systems to enable connectivity to any devices from any manufacturer.

Visit Medlab Middle East 2023 to attend thought-provoking sessions led by industry experts from across the globe.


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