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DHA and Indian health officials host webinar to discuss public and mental health

Article-DHA and Indian health officials host webinar to discuss public and mental health

The webinar provided an opportunity for both sides to discuss best practises, challenges and further plans in the public and mental health field.

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Indian health officials held a webinar recently to discuss public and mental health, and to explore collaborative healthcare opportunities.

His Excellency Humaid Al Qutami, Director-General of the DHA said during his opening speech in the webinar that the UAE and India share a strong historical partnership and the two sides are keen to further strengthen as well as explore collaboration opportunities especially in specialised fields of healthcare.

High-level officials from the DHA including Dr. Younis Kazim, CEO of Dubai Healthcare Corporation and Farida Al Khaja, CEO of Clinical Support Services & Nursing Sector, participated in the webinar.

Exploring collaborative opportunities

In December 2019, a delegation headed by Al Qutami visited India on an official tour. The delegation visited several esteemed healthcare hospitals and institutions in India to explore collaborative opportunities in the healthcare sector.

Specific areas of collaboration included mental health, organ transplant, medical research, cancer care, cardiology, health innovation, mental health services and geriatric services.

Al Qutami said, “The aim of our visit and the continuation of dialogue is in line with our vision to collaborate with leading institutions in the world in the health sector to provide high-quality care to our patients and visitors. We are keen to share experiences and expertise with the aim to further bolster the health sector in Dubai and provide world-class patient-centred care.”

HE Dr. Aman Puri, Consul General of India to Dubai and the Northern Emirates said, “I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the DHA and all governmental authorities in the UAE for providing exceptional support to all residents including the very large Indian community during this unprecedented crisis. The way UAE authorities have managed the pandemic is truly an example for the rest of the world. COVID-19 has brought healthcare to the centre stage and it is important for health systems around the world to build partnerships. UAE and India are strategic partners and it is important for them to continue to build a strong partnership in the field of healthcare.

“I am pleased to see the momentum and collaborative approach the two sides have in the health sector as it is one of the most important sectors.”

Discussing best practices

Her Excellency K.K. Shailaja Teacher, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Government of Kerala said, “Firstly, I would like to congratulate the UAE government for their work in containing COVID-19. We have a large number of Keralites living in the UAE and I express my thanks to the UAE government. We have a robust partnership with the UAE and one that is historic. It is a relationship we truly value and appreciate. During the DHA’s visit last year, we discussed specific areas of collaboration with a focus on patient care. The recent pandemic has reinforced the spotlight on public health and its importance.

“While the work in Kerala is vigorous and ongoing, our scientific approach has worked so far to keep the numbers as low as we can. There is absolutely no doubt that public health is going to be at the forefront moving forward and that we need to constantly build and enhance the public health system.”

She also highlighted the role of mental health support and counselling and technologies such as telemedicine.

Dr. Rajeev Sadanandan, Advisor to the Chief Minister of Kerala, Former Health Secretary, Government of Kerala highlighted the role of data monitoring and technology from electronic patient record to hospital infrastructure. He also discussed the importance of capacity building and the need to continue to collaborate at an international level on health information.

While Dr. Mohammed Al Redha Director of Project Management Office, Informatics and Smart Health at the DHA and moderator of the webinar said, “During our trip to India we discussed specific areas of collaboration. In recent times, public health and mental health are extremely vital areas of healthcare. The webinar provided an opportunity for both sides to discuss best practises, challenges and further plans in the public and mental health field. At the end of the day, patient care, wellbeing and safety is a priority and it is important to discuss best-practises, facilitate knowledge transfer and collaborate with an aim to benefit patient care.”

The speakers included Dr. Hassan Shuri, Head of Section and Consultant, Medical Fitness Department at the DHA, Sandesh Cadabam, Managing Director and CEO, Cadabams Group, Dr. B.R. Madhukar, Medical Director Cadabams Hospitals and Dr. Khawla Ahmed, Consultant Medical Affairs Department, DHA.

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