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Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine Middle East – April 2020

White-paper-Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine Middle East – April 2020

Read about precision medicine, diabetes mellitus, familial hypercholesterolemia and more.

In this issue of the Journal, Hockings et al (page 08) discuss aspects of the growing field of pharmacogenomics, and Hoogwerf (page 18) describes clinical subsets of diabetes mellitus. Both approaches, one molecular and one clinical (supported by biochemical testing), can help predict successful initial therapeutic interventions. These molecular and clinical approaches (supported by specific testing) represent nascent examples of how precision medicine is evolving. But the clinical, genomic, and molecular approaches still have a way to go before they are uniformly accepted and widely applicable.

Click below to download this edition - and for future issues, sign up here to receive the Journal in its new online-only format.

TAGS: Clinical