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Coronavirus update: Non-urgent surgeries postponed in Dubai due to COVID-19

Article-Coronavirus update: Non-urgent surgeries postponed in Dubai due to COVID-19

The decision has been made in order to effectively manage cases of Coronavirus.

According to reports, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has instructed all hospitals in Dubai to postpone all elective and non-urgent surgeries from March 18 until the end of March. This move has reportedly been made to prepare the country's healthcare system to fight the new coronavirus. The extension will be subject to review after March 31.

Safeguarding public health

A DHA circular said: "The purpose of this action is to protect the citizens and residents of the emirate of Dubai by ensuring adequate resources such as the availability of the hospital beds and qualified healthcare professionals to provide adequate care."

Health insurance for the procedures will also be suspended by the Dubai Health Insurance Corporation, the DHA circular added.

"The decision is in line with the ongoing efforts to safeguard public health and manage the cases of Covid-19 virus, and based on the current need of ensuring the preparedness of health facilities to provide the required healthcare," a statement from the authority said.

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