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Data integration will drive down costs and improve the patient experience

Article-Data integration will drive down costs and improve the patient experience

Omnia Health Live Americas speakers agreed that data integration in the health sector can deliver major benefits.

One of the most relevant aspects of today's health landscape is data integration, a topic that is as complex as it is comprehensive. It includes technology, management, compliance and all its derivatives, such as business intelligence, costs, governance, security, reputation and so on. The list is long.

The Omnia Health Lives America webinar "Data integration for population health" brought together experts to share perspectives on the topic under the moderation of Henry Sznejder, Director of Clinical Analytics and Artificial Intelligence at United Health Group Brazil (UHG).

Fábio Gonçalves, Chief Value & Access Officer at Hospital Care, a holding company that administers health services, highlighted the need for multidisciplinary teams to obtain population data. "Within a company, we deal with various types of information that need to be validated by a multidisciplinary committee to arrive at population data," he said. “The intersection of information needs to be aligned with the intersection of knowledge.”

João Vicente Alvarenga, IT Director of the Hermes Pardini Group, addressed the generation of value from the integration of data for the entire health chain, based on reducing time and cost.  "Sharing data and information will resolve structural issues in the health sector," said the executive.

For Lasse Koivisto, CEO of Prontmed, if the information is organised and the data integrated between the different actors in the chain, the patient experience will be much better. “I see the following as trends: technology, personnel training, process optimisation and changing the cultural model,” he concluded.

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